Hisab Kitab Mobile App

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Hisab Kitab - A mobile app to manage the income and expenses

Problem Statement - Manage Income and Expenses, Profit and Loss

As per the client requirement provided, we have come up with the mobile applications using Flutter to resolve the issue faced in profit and loss of a firm. Using this mobile application a firm can add the employee to manage the cash inflow and outflow from a firm. This provides a very simple user interface that can be used by any user. Rich in UI and Rich in functionalities.

Features such as asset purchases, method of asset purchase, and respective bills. Along with that personal expense paid for loan, cash or amount lent to a friend can also be maintained in a single platform.

Based on the data maintained for the above mentioned features on can also take a peek at his balance sheet and profit and loss.

  • Client:


  • Location:

    Karnataka, India

  • Technologies:

    Flutter, NodeJS, MongoDB

  • Completed:

    09 Aug 2022

  • App link:

    Play Store